Morgantown, West Virginia
Monongalia County Arts Center
Morgantown Historic Post Office
Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse for Historic Post Office
Condition Assessment, Adaptive Reuse, Architecture, Sustainability & Resiliency
2020-2025 (construction anticipated)
Landmarks SGA was engaged by The Historical Morgantown Post Office Building, Inc. (HPO) in 2020 to complete a Conditions Assessment Report and a Strategic Plan as part of a strategy to rehabilitate the original 1914 building and 1931 addition as an enhanced arts facility. The Strategic Plan Document, finalized May 13, 2021, identified three recommended construction project packages that would address deferred maintenance and prioritize upgrades to rehabilitate the building. “Package A” identified items to address immediate deferred maintenance needs, “Package B” focused on upgrades to accessibility and primary building systems, and “Package C” was a full build-out of additional improvements. Other conditional/optional improvements were identified as part of the process as well.
Following the Strategic Plan, the HPO has undertaken and completed the work identified in Package A, which includes roof replacement and masonry repairs to stabilize the building.
Landmarks is currently working through the design of the full rehabilitation identified in Package B and C. The project is funded through multiple public funding sources and will pursue Federal and State Historic Tax Credits.